I have a vision of Los Angeles as a city that works for all of us. Los Angeles will be a city that feels like a neighborhood, a city where we want to live, want to raise our children and have our friends visit. My vision is based on:
 Education: Creating Neighborhood School Districts
There is no more important issue facing the people of Los Angeles than the reform of our public schools. For 33 years, I have been active in efforts to expand opportunities for children, including service as President of Big Brothers of Greater Los Angeles, as a member of the Independent Citizens Oversight Committee for the recent school bond, and as a President of the Los Angeles Recreation and Parks Commission. Now, as a candidate for Mayor of Los Angeles, I would like to continue that work by helping to improve the quality of education for all children in Los Angeles. More
Read Steve's Education Policy Paper and Fact Sheet.
 Keeping Our Economy Moving
We must continue to eliminate bureaucratic burdens and market LA's benefits so that large and small businesses prosper in every corner of the city. I am proud to have played a significant role in LA's economic renewal under Mayor Riordan. I led the effort to create the Alameda Corridor, a trade and transportation rail line from the LA Harbor to Downtown, which not only will add tens of thousands of good paying jobs to our work force, but will eliminate substantial truck traffic from our freeways. Cargo will move faster, cheaper, and cleaner on the train. As the idea man behind the Staples Center, I worked diligently to complete this major sports and entertainment arena near the Los Angeles Convention Center. It played home to this year's Grammy Awards, and was the site of the 2000 Democratic National Convention. This single project has the potential to help turn around a Convention Center that, in 1998 alone, lost over $40 million of our tax dollars.
 Making Our City Safer
We must continue our relentless pursuit to become the safest big city in America. Over the past six years, the LAPD has grown and our crime rate has dropped. Improved technology is imperative in order to provide all of us with an even higher level of police, fire and life safety services. We must recognize and nurture proactive programs that prevent crime and ultimately save taxpayer dollars.
 Empowering Our Neighborhoods
One of my top priorities has been citywide implementation of the Community Advisory Boards we created for 145 of our parks. I strongly support the "neighborhood councils," mandated by the new Charter, that have the potential to give each of us a greater voice in local decision-making. Let's stop talking about them and implement them!
 Improving Our Daily Traffic Problems
Angelenos are spending too much time in traffic. In addition to the MTA bus and rail issues we read about, we must tackle the automobile congestion crisis in our streets with aggressive and innovative programs. For starters, I suggest we ban construction crews on major arteries during rush hour and get the same work completed during off-peak hours.
Visit LATrafficBusters.com for more of Steve's common sense solutions to ease L.A.'s traffic problems.
 Demanding Efficiency
Our success in restoring hundreds of parks and schools must be duplicated in every area of City government. It is time to stop the years of studies and press conferences by politicians and demand results. Improving efficiency means more roads paved, trees trimmed, parks and libraries upgraded, sidewalks repaired, along with healthier air, a cleaner ocean and more police and firefighters on our streets. |