Citizens Oversight Committee
6/29/00 Statement by Chairman Steve Soboroff
I'll end my term on this dedicated Oversight Committee as I began it, believing strongly that there is a simple plan to implement the taxpayer's mandate to help save L.A.'s public school system (by making 701 schools healthy and safe places in which to learn):
- that new school location determination should be made by involving communities and neighborhoods, not the Army,
- that the 12,000+ BB projects should be handled by the private sector, not LAUSD; that the small contractors and subcontractors who do the work should be paid on time, and that minority/local hiring practices be expanded.
- that students, custodians, teachers, and parents (who know far more about school priority health and safety repairs than downtown administrators) be engaged via "at school campus" meetings of this committee and the school board,
- that the Oversight Committee must have subpoena power to have access to information necessary to make "findings and recommendations" that protect the taxpayers' $2.4 billion investment in the bond, and
- that the innovative public/private partnerships like the Greening Program, "Joint Use Agreements" with parks, and use of wireless technology, continue to flourish.
I'll end my term on this dedicated Oversight Committee by expressing my hope and confidence in the future:
- Hope that the new LAUSD leadership proceeds by considering the past findings and recommendations of this committee as a road map to success, and
- Confidence in the members of the committee and media to "watch-em-closely and give-em-hell if they don't."
And finally, I'll end my term on this dedicated Oversight Committee by offering sincere thanks to every student, every parent, grandparent, every LAUSD employee, every whistle blower, and every other interested party who has taken their time (sometimes at the risk of retaliation) to come before this Committee as we toured schools around the district.
This is the beginning for me, not the end, as, in Los Angeles, education today is the future of tomorrow. Thank you very much. |