Steve Soboroff for
Mayor of Los Angeles
15477 Ventura Blvd.
Suite 300
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403

Campaign Headquarters
Phone (818) 981-9317
Fax (818) 981-9550
Fundraiser Info
Phone (818) 905-5420
Steve with his children and Mayor Richard Riordan on a bike ride.Steve and the incredible "Sweet" Alice Harris visit schools, churches and parks.
Top: Steve with his children and Mayor Richard Riordan on a bike ride.

Bottom: Steve and the incredible "Sweet" Alice Harris visit schools, churches and parks.
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Mayor Riordan's Letter in Support of Steve Soboroff

September 7, 1999

Ms. Ruth Sanders
13579 Riverside Dr.
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423-1930

Dear Ruth:

Our city has come a long way in six short years. Today, our families are safer, our economy is stronger and people are once again proud to call Los Angeles home.

We're turning L.A. around, and we can't afford to return to the politics of the past. As I enter my last two years as mayor, I must look to the future. That's why I'm supporting Steve Soboroff for mayor -- I trust him to keep Los Angeles moving forward.

Steve Soboroff is unique. A successful and civic-minded businessman, Steve has volunteered his time, his experience and his unlimited energy to solve many of our city's toughest problems.

As Chairman of the Los Angeles School Repair Oversight Committee, Steve Soboroff is renewing run-down public schools while making sure the repairs are completed and air-conditioning is installed cost-effectively. In addition, Steve's innovative landscaping plan will transform over 500 acres of asphalt into green gardens and playfields without any additional cost to the taxpayers.

Thanks to Steve's leadership on the Recreation and Parks Commission, our parks and playgrounds are cleaner, safer, more accessible, and many have been modernized with new equipment. Steve has given 145 communities local control over their park facilities by establishing neighborhood advisory councils. He has also led the charge to enroll thousands of girls to participate in sports programs.

As the driving force behind the new Staples Center and the Alameda Corridor, Steve Soboroff played a key roe in reviving L.A.'s image and economy.

As someone who has worked hard to streamline city government, I am truly impressed by Steve's ability to cut waste and red tape. Most of all, I admire Steve's common sense approach to finding common ground by bringing people together to shape practical solutions. When I want results, I know I can count on Steve Soboroff.

Steve Soboroff understands that neighborhoods are the heart of our city. He understands that diversity is what makes L.A. so dynamic, and has been a life long champion of our local communities. Steve Soboroff will be a mayor for all of Los Angeles.

On a personal level, Steve is a good friend to all Angelenos and a devoted family man who gives generously of himself to worthy causes like Big Brothers and The Weingart Center for the Homeless. Steve Soboroff believes in the old fashioned idea of civic duty because he cares about people and loves our city.

We need Steve Soboroff's independence, experience and integrity to lead Los Angeles into the Twenty-First Century.

Please join me in supporting Steve Soboroff. Your early financial support can mean the difference between defeat and victory. We've enclosed a contribution envelope and I hope you will join me in helping to elect Steve. If you have already given the maximum contribution ($1,000 per individual), please pass this along to a friend or associate. The campaign for the future of Los Angeles starts now.


    Richard J. Riordan
    Mayor of Los Angeles

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