Steve Soboroff for
Mayor of Los Angeles
15477 Ventura Blvd.
Suite 300
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403

Campaign Headquarters
Phone (818) 981-9317
Fax (818) 981-9550
Fundraiser Info
Phone (818) 905-5420
Steve delivers a speech at the Radisson hotel.Steve with two members of the USA Gold Medal winning Women's World Cup Soccer Team.
Top: Steve delivers a speech at at the Valley Radisson hotel during the second Soboroff for Mayor Volunteer Festival, which drew 300 participants.

Bottom: Steve with two members of the USA Gold Medal winning Women's World Cup Soccer Team.
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Date: January 05, 2001
Contact: Campaign Headquarters
(818) 981-9317

Soboroff Challenges Other Mayoral Candidates Not To Use Taxpayer Dollars For Their Political Campaigns

January 5, 2001

Candidates for Mayor of Los Angeles

Dear Fellow Candidate:

Within a couple of days you and I will be asked to decide whether or not we will each take up to $667,000.00 in taxpayer funds to run our political campaigns. Among the six of us, that totals more than four million dollars.

I am writing to ask you to join me in rejecting the use of taxpayer funds for our political campaigns. I feel so strongly about this that I am willing to agree to spend no additional personal money on this race if the other candidates agree to forego the use of taxpayers’ money. At a critical time like this, I firmly believe that the $ 4 million should be used to fight crime, provide after school programs for kids, build playgrounds and parks, and repair sidewalks and streets. With that money, we could pay for 50 new police officers, fix 40 parks, or provide after school programs for 3200 kids.

Let's send a clear message to the taxpayers of Los Angeles: Their money is precious and needs to be spent on better schools and safer streets, not on political campaigns.


Steve Soboroff

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