9/16/2003 |
Costa confident that the recall election will be held as scheduled
8/31/2003 |
Los Angeles Times Focuses on Recall of Gray Davis
8/23/2003 |
Davis is Toast? Some 3,000 Democrats looking for work!
8/17/2003 |
Quinn predicts MASSIVE turnout: "There is a simple fact about this election: Californians have a choice."
8/17/2003 |
Buffett & Arnold lay down gauntlet on Prop. 13: Do we need to triple property taxes as well?
8/15/2003 |
Los Angeles Times gives major coverage to the grassroots and talk radio!
8/08/2003 |
Daniel Weintraub: "the people are threatening to take back their government."
8/07/2003 |
Davis Days Numbered? Cruz Bustamante becomes first prominent Democrat to announce plans to run for governor
8/06/2003 |
Your Chairman, Ted Costa featured in Sacramento Bee: "A contrarian on a mission"
8/05/2003 |
Polls put Recall Support at 55%! "This is Chernobyl. Gray Davis is melting down, and the Democrats want to escape the radiation."
7/25/2003 |
NY Times reports Davis strategy for survival, "make the vote about anything but Gray Davis."
7/23/2003 |
Davis Recall: 'It's About the Economy, Stupid,'
7/20/2003 |
Newsweek Covers California: "State of Siege" Is "dark horse" Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown the Democrat to watch?
7/20/2003 |
San Jose Mercury News reports chaos: "PARTY'S SUPPORT OF DAVIS FRAYING"
7/19/2003 |
If counties on Wednesday report enough valid signatures on petitions... Davis would become the first California governor to appear on a recall ballot
7/18/2003 |
LA Times: Numbers Add Up to Fall Recall Election
7/17/2003 |
Counties verifying signatures: "This is a slam-dunk,'' said Ted Costa, who has led the signature-gathering drive.
7/17/2003 |
Los Angeles Times: Recall Activist's Cause Has a Statewide Effect
7/16/2003 |
Democrats hold secret meeting: One California Democratic strategist agreed that Pelosi "was pretty adamant about it – that Gray was toast."
7/13/2003 |
Field Poll: YES on Recall makes strong gains!
7/12/2003 |
Dan Walters: A new statewide Field Poll, released today, contains nothing but bad news for Davis.
7/09/2003 |
Talk, scenarios swirl about Governor Davis: Is a resignation in the works?
7/09/2003 |
Another Political Earthquake: The Gray Davis recall looks like a Prop 13 replay.
7/09/2003 |
Republican activists promise up to 1.6 million signatures to counties Monday
7/08/2003 |
LA Daily News says recall supporters,
7/08/2003 |
Is Recall bad for California? "It's a real positive impact if the voters are wise enough to choose a leader who will balance the budget." said Costa
7/08/2003 |
"I look at the recall as a tool that's open to the people," said Costa. "It's part of our social compact in California. It's not negotiable."
7/07/2003 |
New York Times reports Recall Vote a Certainty: Governor Davis says
7/07/2003 |
Recall signature wrap-up: Organizers say they have enough to force an election.
7/06/2003 |
Gray Davis Recall Effort Exceeds Expectations
7/06/2003 |
Illegal taxes are what political revolutions are made of. Just ask King John...Or George III
7/06/2003 |
Disciple of Prop. 13 author generating another statewide shake-up
7/05/2003 |
Dan Weintraub: The recall's a democratic revolt against ruling elites
7/04/2003 |
Recall backers rip into Davis
7/04/2003 |
New York Times: Credit Rating Is Latest Worry for California
7/03/2003 |
Support for Davis Recall surges ahead in Los Angeles Times Poll
7/03/2003 |
Recall Signature Drive Surges Ahead
7/03/2003 |
Anti-Recall forces doubt your work: San Jose Mercury News tells the truth!
7/02/2003 |
Governor Davis may take state bond rating to LOWEST level ever!
7/01/2003 |
Once again, Secretary of State Shelley DRAGS his feet on recall.
6/28/2003 |
Green Party Camejo: "[Davis] is the very symbol of all that is wrong with the influence of money and corporate domination of our political system
6/28/2003 |
Signatures come easy for recall: Ventura County leading the way?
6/27/2003 |
Washington Post: Calif. Near Financial Disaster: Davis visits Mom!
6/27/2003 |
Davis Plays Hardball: "He called me a Republican bitch. I'm not even a Republican."
6/27/2003 |
Opposition to Illegal Car Tax Increase
6/27/2003 |
LA Daily News: "Chalk up the contracts as a Davis mistake that will cost Californians billions -- one of many.
6/26/2003 |
Respect for the Will of the Voters
6/26/2003 |
Even the Press admits we have about ONE MILLION signatures!
6/25/2003 |
Push to Recall California Governor Enters Final Week
6/24/2003 |
How Davis turned a $12 BILLION surplus into a massive deficit...
6/24/2003 |
Recall Gains Steam: "Ontario retiree Terry Benthall was grousing because he expects his vehicle license to rise by $1,000."
6/23/2003 |
Recall Proponent Ted Costa Comes to Town...
6/22/2003 |
US News on the Recall:
6/20/2003 |
Many hats may enter recall ring: Sacramento Bee offers compilation of possible candidates:
6/20/2003 |
Recalls good for turnout?
6/19/2003 |
""Ninety percent is stunning," said Steve Weir, county clerk-recorder since 1989. He cannot recall seeing such a high rate before."
6/18/2003 |
OCR: "Governor Davis is in the deepest political trouble of his long political life."
6/17/2003 |
Wall Street Journal Says Davis Recall is
6/17/2003 |
Davis Recall Picks Up Steam: The Question now is who will run?
6/16/2003 |
``I want to register to vote specifically to get rid of Gray Davis,'' she said. ``This is worth everything.''
6/16/2003 |
Governor (and most of the press) ignore real budget offer...
6/15/2003 |
Washington Post: "California Survey Shows Davis's Recall Vulnerability"
6/14/2003 |
Total Recall--II : Gray Davis's governorship may soon meet the Terminator.
6/08/2003 |
Davis may be up against a total recall: Is 'Running Man' Running?
6/06/2003 |
Time is Running Out for Governor Davis...
6/06/2003 |
The Press is Catching Up: "Officials: 400,000 sign recall petitions"
6/05/2003 |
Greens' Camejo says he'll run if Gov. Davis recall qualifies
6/05/2003 |
"unexpected quickness of the signature-gathering effort" brings donations to both sides of Recall Battle
6/02/2003 |
Now Even the SF Chronicle takes recall seriously! Davis says it is "an insult to democracy."
5/28/2003 |
Petition Progress Charted: Campaign well ahead of September deadline, July in sight!
5/27/2003 |
Democrats won't vow to keep names off recall ballot
5/27/2003 |
NOW They Must Think We Are Serious! Davis allies announce anti-recall effort
5/27/2003 |
World Net Daily Provides Recall National Coverage:
5/23/2003 |
Good hunting in Roseville: Davis recall drive signs 'em up
5/22/2003 |
Is the Governor nervous? "If I'm fortunate enough to serve out my term," Davis said this week
5/22/2003 |
Weintraub: In state's time of need, the governor fails to lead:
5/21/2003 |
More Fallout from Oracle Scandal? Davis' policy director resigns
5/20/2003 |
Although publicly dismissive of the recall effort, Davis is said to be obsessed with it..."he's scared out of his mind"
5/20/2003 |
TheDavis Legacy:
5/20/2003 |
Surprise, surprise: Governor Davis Blasts the Recall Campaign!
5/16/2003 |
Dan Walters: Will Davis ever learn why he's the most unpopular governor?
5/13/2003 |
More MAJOR support for Davis Recall: $250,000 from Orange County Lincoln Club
5/13/2003 |
Davis to Motorists: TRIPLE Your Car Tax!
5/12/2003 |
Poor Gray Davis: Even Time Magazine is reporting on how much trouble he is in from the recall!
5/12/2003 |
Capitol Paper Covers Recall Progress, great photos, And LOTS of Davis spin
5/10/2003 |
Fox News Covers the Davis Recall...
5/10/2003 |
SF Chronicle says recall "created some nervousness among Davis' advisers"
5/07/2003 |
Television Coverage Increases: 200 new circulators on the streets THIS week!
5/06/2003 |
Budget Solutions? Davis wants Taxes AND Debt: Daily Deficit figure now over $70 million
5/04/2003 |
Los Angeles Daily News: Davis Recall Grows (finally, a reporter tells the whole story!)
5/03/2003 |
It's The Spending Stupid! Davis overspending adds BILLIONS more to deficit
5/03/2003 |
BIG News Day: Historic Turn-in of Signatures & Congressman Issa IS Committed!
5/01/2003 |
Wall Street Journal: Are Voters Ready to Fire Gray Davis?
4/23/2003 |
Two-thirds of state voters dislike governor, pollsters find: Recall spells trouble for Davis!
4/22/2003 |
NY Times: Recall Effort Clouds Davis's Future: Will Green Party Join In?
4/20/2003 |
Recall Effort Gets BIG Boost from Congressman Issa
4/18/2003 |
Davis’ Tarnished State to run out of cash: Vendors targeted
4/12/2003 |
Local Teacher Has Had It With Davis: Leads
4/12/2003 |
Why a Recall? How About $28 BILLION in new taxes & fees!
4/11/2003 |
A "crisis of governance" should bring "civic rebirth" for California says Walters
4/10/2003 |
Budget Vacation?? Leadership from Gray Davis is Missing in Sacramento!!
4/09/2003 |
How Davis Avoided Blackouts: He tanked the economy!
4/08/2003 |
Governor Davis Puts Up NO FISHING Sign
4/06/2003 |
The Education Governor: Teachers get 25,000 pink slips
4/06/2003 |
Some Budget Crisis: State Employees get $5 million in raises
4/05/2003 |
Davis May Take State Over the Cliff: California may run out of cash!
4/02/2003 |
Davis Policies Create Jobs... In ARIZONA
4/02/2003 |
More Failed Leadership: Davis says NO budget action for six weeks...
3/31/2003 |
Awash in RED Ink: Experts say Davis budget crisis will take its toll
3/31/2003 |
Keeping Tabs on Davis: Savy politician has collected over $127 MILLION since 1982
3/25/2003 |
Fellow Democrats Turn on Davis...
3/24/2003 |
Davis has ANOTHER $1.5 BILLION budget problem!
3/24/2003 |
Davis Budget Debacle: Walters asks, will we even get a budget this year?
3/22/2003 |
A Bill of Particulars on Davis’s Violation of California Law: RECALL DEMANDED BY THE FACTS
3/20/2003 |
Beleaguered Davis faces more bad news: Democrats may run in recall...
3/19/2003 |
Davis Policies Bring MORE Bad News for California Workers
3/18/2003 |
Davis does water deal with laundered funds
3/13/2003 |
California Gas Prices in the Stratosphere: Thank You, Gray Davis!
3/13/2003 |
Governor Davis Supports Yet ANOTHER Tax Increase!
3/10/2003 |
Davis Not Welcome at His Own Democrat Party's State Convention
3/09/2003 |
WorldNetDaily and Eric Hogue: It's the Davis "E-Call"
3/09/2003 |
Some hiring freeze: Davis friends get six figure posts
3/07/2003 |
Dan Walters: The Governor is lying about the budget
3/06/2003 |
Ted Costa Responds to the Scared Governor
3/06/2003 |
Scared Governor Buys Off Signature Gathering Firm
3/06/2003 |
Davis Recall Debate on the Laura Ingraham Show
3/04/2003 |
Davis points to energy traders' gaming as root of state crisis
2/28/2003 |
Davis edges toward taxing web
2/25/2003 |
Davis' well-earned low poll rating makes his job more difficult
2/24/2003 |
GOP endorses recall of governor
2/23/2003 |
Budget Balanced on Faulty Figures